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Light Akita

1:1 Dog Training

How do the sessions work?

We meet bi-weekly, for up to one hour via Skype, Zoom or another preferred platform from the comfort of your own home and on your own time or we might set up an in-person session.) I offer specially tailored packages of four, eight, or twelve private sessions to allow for steady progress and to steer you in the right direction to achieve your dog training goals and strengthen your relationship with your dog.


My practice is a combination of positive and balanced methods, that I have gathered and developed over the years. Sources ranging from dog training courses, canine behaviour books and papers, established concepts and qualified proved approaches stemming from modern biology, psychology and neurosciences.

As a proud dog-owner myself I will help you live an improved and efficient life with your canine and guide you to a better understanding of the human-canine symbiosis. All that is required from you is a willingness to listen and see things differently. Many times, my online sessions are most successful by sharing short videos of your pup's problematic behaviours beforehand.

What can you expect to get out of a training session?

  • Deeper understanding of your pup's behaviour

  • Unique opportunity to tailor your training to your dog’s exact needs and issues

  • Uncover the roots of the problem with your pup by individually investigating the nuances and triggers

  • Resolve the problem through behaviour shaping, consistency and general obedience

  • Showcase of the proven techniques live during the training session 

  • Openly share my experience and knowledge



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Tonda H.

Výcvik od Martina jsem dostal jako dárek od sestry.

Freya je Rhodéský ridgeback a na začátku výcviku jí byly 4 měsíce.

Chtěl jsem z ní vychovat psa, se kterým se nebudeme bát chodit do přírody, nebo po městě mezi lidmi.


Ze začátku jsem moc nevěděl co od výcviku čekat, ale s Martinem byla hned super domluva, s Freyou se rychle seznámil a dal nám několik rad...


Po první lekci jsme už věděli na čem budeme muset zapracovat a co změnit. Během dalších lekcí nám Martin pomohl pochopit proč Freya dělala některé věci a jak a hlavně proč se jim vyvarovat, abychom se v budoucnu vyhli dalším problémům.


Martina jsme doporučili kamarádovi dříve, než napsali recenzi, a to si myslím, že mluví za vše.

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